
Gene Moore

He was a baseball prodigy. At the age of fifteen, Gene Moore was a boy, playing like a man, in a game where men, play like boys.

Headed for baseball stardom with the Brooklyn Dodgers, his destiny was interrupted by
Pearl Harbor.
His life... and
maybe our
would be
forever altered.

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Home > Contests & More > Clue 4

Contests and More

The next clue is a little more challenging. Read the clue and hint below and then click on the link to continue the game.

Fourth Clue: Thomas Paine's Common Sense set the "TONE" for the colonists. These ideas made up the foundation for Independence from British rule.

Hint: The last word in the title of the next site is what we are trying to find. Some might consider this particular one unlucky. To locate it, draw a picture...


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Copyright 2006